Kale contains bile acid sequestrants and is one of the most effective vegetables for binding bile acids. Many studies have investigated the role of Brassica vegetables, like kale, in protecting against cancer (45). We have discussed the benefits of the antioxidants in kale that help to restore DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Necessary . Kale contains about as much vitamin C as an orange, which makes it beneficial for preventing some major diseases as well as signs of aging. Here are 10 health benefits of kale that are supported by science. If all the above-listed positive effects associated with eating kale are enough to convince you to eat more of this superfood, consider this: the potential health benefits of kale also include enhanced urinary health, which may extend well beyond protection against bladder cancer. The study in question was not scientifically conducted, and mainstream researchers advise that this study not be taken too seriously. This article takes a close look at the old proverb and…. Kale is rich in folate and can help to fill this nutritional gap. What do you think, is kale good for you? No need to worry for a second when we are at your rescue. Now and again, remove the lid and stir the kale so that it cooks evenly. Kale has amazingly great benefits and is really good for you. In fact, recent research found eating both cooked and raw kale can help you reap the best benefits of Brassica veggies. Kale Is Good For Bone Health: Knowing that kale is good in the amount of potassium and minerals, it would be sure to say that the regular use of kale helps in making your bones stronger and healthier. It is a good … Find out if kale is good for you. It plays a role in nerve and brain function (86). Shop kale are good for you Throw Pillow designed by GoodNourish. Studies show that low-energy-density foods can help you lose weight (68, 69). Adding shredded kale to salads is a great way to make them more filling and nutritious. Last update: Sep 9, 2020 1 answer. KEY POINT: ​Kale is has a loaded nutrient profile and few calories. If you wish, you can also freeze kale. A couple of years ago, there was a health scare involving kale. Kale also contains small amounts of protein and fiber. Vitamin C also helps the body make and use collagen, certain neurotransmitters and protein (11, 12​). So if you are pregnant or need to increase your folate intake for other health reasons, adding more kale to your diet is a safe, effective and delicious way to do it. Kale contains high levels of antioxidants, including the following (29): They’re compounds that fight oxidative stress in the body (30). Many studies have shown that people who eat enough lutein and zeaxanthin have a much lower risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, two very common eye disorders (27, 28). The liver turns cholesterol into bile acids, which are then released into the digestive system whenever you eat a fatty meal. That means that most Americans are not getting enough potassium to support all these functions at the optimum level. 15. Perhaps it’s the fact that kale is the healthiest of the already uber-healthy dark leafy greens. However, the evidence is inconsistent (52, 53). Those bile acids help the fat be absorbed through the gut. Consuming kale is good for fortifying your bones. No. Certain compounds in the vegetable can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis and essentially block the iodine your thyroid needs to function. It can be added to your diet for a variety of reasons Disclaimer: Comments. Additionally, ITCs help to slow the growth of tumor cells and stimulate their destruction (73). Adequate potassium intake has been linked to reduced blood pressure and a lower risk of heart disease (25). Kale contains special compounds made from glucosinolates called "isothiocyanates,​" or ​"ITCs.​". It’s packed with nutrients that help your body in many ways. It’s a versatile vegetable with a relatively neutral flavor that can be prepared in many different ways. "Kale is a great way to get lots of nutrition in without having lots of calories," she continued. KEY POINT: ​Because kale is a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids, it can be useful in treating depression and other mood disorders. This contributes to kale’s cancer-fighting properties. Many people think of green as a green, curly leaf, but the leaves may be purple, bluish or smooth. Dry off the kale, cut off the hard stems, and then bundle up the leaves inside a dry piece of paper towel. ​The following are the 20 evidence-based health benefits of kale: One cup (6​7 g) of raw kale has the following nutrients in abundance (1): Vitamin A is a retinoid that is essential for optimal function of the immune system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and vision (2). Select your kale carefully and store it properly so that you can enjoy the best kale experience. Cholesterol has many important functions in the body. Look for the small, tender and milder leaves. It also contains 3% or more of the DV for vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), iron and phosphorus. Nutritional profile. Eating more kale is a great way to help fill this nutritional shortfall and get back on track. Because the digestive system then has less bile available, the liver must synthesize more from cholesterol. As the research above reports, western diets are out of balance. Most western diets are replete with omega-6 fatty acids, but do not include enough omega-3 fatty acids. It will be done when the edges take on a brownish color. "However, keep in mind that adding lots of dressing, cheese, meat or nuts/seeds to a salad can quickly increase the calories, so keep those add-ins to small portions." KEY POINT: ​Kale can lower cholesterol by binding bile acids in the gut and forcing the liver to use up more cholesterol from the bloodstream to create more bile. Kale contains beta-carotene, which your body is able to convert to vitamin A (retinol), which in turn can help to boost hair growth and reduce wrinkles, improving your overall appearance. Nonetheless, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 Advisory Committee found that potassium is a shortfall nutrient. However, consuming vitamin K via healthy vegetables should not overload the system the way taking it in supplement form could. Potato chips or snack mixes are often laden with fat and salt. Kale contains substances that have been shown to help fight cancer in test-tube and animal studies, but the human evidence is mixed. Too much kale can be hard on the digestive system. Kale appears to provide this protection, even though researchers do not yet fully understand how it works. This does not necessarily mean that folic acid supplementation is the wrong option for everyone, but it does mean that turning to natural sources where possible is wise. But many substances that happen to be antioxidants also have other important functions. Considering adding Kale to your table this holiday season? The form of vitamin K in kale is K1, which is different than vitamin K2. KEY POINT: ​Kale contains magnesium, potassium and calcium, which may lower the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular health. This process lowers levels of cholesterol that circulate through the blood. Kale, like other leafy greens, is very high in antioxidants. The most common type of kale is called curly kale or Scots kale, which has green and curly leaves and a hard, fibrous stem. You will find two varieties of kale: regular kale and organic kale. 1 cup of chopped kale contains 299 mg of potassium, which is 9% of your daily required amount. Organically grown kale is more likely to have been planted in safe, healthy soil and will not have been treated with harmful chemicals. It is a hardy plant that can survive during the winter season. Kale tends to thrive in cooler weather and may be available when other dark, leafy greens aren’t in season. Manganese does not get a lot of attention when it comes to minerals, but it is an important trace mineral which we all need to stay healthy. But this does not mean that you have to eat kale every day, as you can simply blend it into a smoothie and have it for breakfast, mixed with other fruits or veggies of your choice. Let’s take a look at all the benefits of this delicious vegetable for your health! Nope! 9. Free Returns High Quality Printing Fast Shipping A popular snack is kale chips, where you drizzle some extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil on your kale, add some salt and then bake in it an oven until dry. This means it is less likely to be contaminated with toxins. If you found this article helpful, follow us on facebook and/or share the article with buttons below so other people can benefit from it too: You can republish this article on your blog/website by complying with the following republishing guidelines. Kale contains many minerals that some people are deficient in. Research shows that these antioxidants are liked with a decreased risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, two eye problems that may occur as you age (70, 71). It should also be noted that the experiments that Hubbard conducted covered only a small group of participants, and as a result, simply do not provide enough information to establish statistical significance. Put a skillet over medium heat. Kale has become a very popular vegetable, and as such, it should be easy to find in the produce section of your local grocery mart. One of the most common consequences of aging is that eyesight gets worse. In this article you will find out more about this nutrient-packed superfood so that you can understand the hype. But did you know you can make them yourself with just a few simple steps and ingredients? This may have to do with increased concentrations of hepatic lutein (82). What’s up with kale these days? Omega-3 fatty acids on the other hand are well-tolerated, and produce many positive health effects. Jul 18, 2013 - OK, I understand. Kale is high in vitamins A, C and K. Vitamin A is used to support healthy vision and skin while Vitamin C boosted the immune system as well as helping having healthy joints. Kale also contains 2 gram of protein per cup. Also, if you're a kale newbie, don't go overboard. If frozen immediately, kale can hold on to more nutrients than when you buy it fresh. 1. It also boosts the metabolism and helps with hydration levels. that provides a number of health and beauty benefits. Of all the super healthy greens, kale is king. Hate to break it to you, health food lovers, but recent studies are suggesting that kale may actually be bad for you. Oxalate may prevent minerals from being absorbed (62). One study showed that people who drank kale juice for 12 weeks saw a 27% increase in HDL, the ​"good​" cholesterol. ​18. It has been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and coronary heart disease (7, 8). Being as there is no statistically significant evidence linking kale with poisoning or thyroid issues at this point and there is plenty of evidence that does indicate it can improve numerous aspects of health, kale remains an excellent choice for healthy eating. Calcium is the most plentiful mineral in the human body (20). Check your kale now and again to make sure it has not gotten wet. In fact, it is recommended that newborns receive a vitamin K injection at birth to help get the blood clotting process started. Kale is a dark, leafy green you can eat raw or cooked. People who experience chronic headaches or migraines may be deficient in magnesium (28). Kale is not just a health-food fad. Switching to an all-kale diet clearly isn’t’ the best idea anyone ever had but including it in the diet in sensible amounts has a clear list of benefits that will help nearly everyone. Reportedly, however, the researcher who ran that very study contacted Vox (which also ran an article on this topic) to explain that he did not believe it likely that the accumulated thallium would be toxic to humans. For instance, it is used to make bile acids, which is are substances that help the body digest fats. Kale is an extremely filling, low calorie food which consumed on a calorie restricted diet can go a long way. Also do not buy kale that has little holes in it. Cholesterol has been made out to be the enemy, but it is important for several bodily functions. When it comes to doing that, kale is one of the best things you can eat. An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away — Fact or Fiction? KEY POINT: Pregnant women are advised to boost folate intake to protect their infants from brain defects and promote healthy neurological developments. It’s also a versatile food. If you saute kale, add it to a smoothie or make chips with it, you can easily consume much more than one cup, packing your system with vital nutrients in just one meal or snack. The health benefits of kale are multiple and have been studied extensively for possible links to … This article reviews whether mayo is safe when…, Apples are highly nutritious, but you may wonder whether they can really keep the doctor away. It’s one of the most nutrient-rich vegetables and provides fiber and protein to keep you satisfied. As you now know, kale contains high levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C can help to prevent IMA-induced DNA damage (81). You already know that kale contains antioxidants that can combat radicals in the body. Yes, until 2010 this leaf was not so popular until it gained attention in social media. If you can make your ratio ideal across the board by eating other healthy foods like kale, you might even achieve an anti-inflammatory diet. "However, keep in mind that adding lots of dressing, cheese, meat or nuts/seeds to a salad can quickly increase the calories, so keep those add-ins to small portions." One cup of raw kale contains about 80 mg of vitamin C. This is 8 times the amount of vitamin C found in a cup of raw spinach (39). However, studies have found inconsistent evidence linking calcium to improved heart health. Two teaspoons of kale powder (100 g – a good serving size) is equal to two average size heads of chopped, uncooked kale. Because kale is a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids, it can be useful in treating depression and other mood disorders. ​One cup also contains just 33 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This super green is packed to max with nutrition that puts it high on the list of the world's healthiest foods. ​15. KEY POINT: ​Kale contains over 6 times the RDA in vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone health. Here is a little breakdown of why Kale is such a great superfood! Hopefully not, because canola oil is one of the most unhealthy oils you can cook with, but plenty of people do, every day. One study found that drinking kale juice every day for 12 weeks increased HDL (the “good”) cholesterol by 27% and lowered LDL levels by 10%, while also improving antioxidant status (12). KEY POINT: ​Kale is contains high levels of beta-carotene, a potentially safer form of vitamin A. Unfortunately, it really needs to be steamed before it’s eaten. So if Alanis Morissette's kale homage: "Kale, kale, kale!I love it!" You can simply add it to your salads or use it in recipes. A slew of superfoods claiming to have a myriad of health benefits are exploding, and they are altering many Americans’ eating patterns. Kale is a popular vegetable and a member of the cabbage family. Stir the garlic in and wait for it to sizzle (takes about 1 minute). This could deliver 10 grams of protein and 35 grams of complex fibrous carbohydrates, which help you feel full. Studies show that women can increase their bone density by consuming magnesium, possibly reducing the risk of osteoporosis (27). ​Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Kale is especially rich in manganese, containing 0.5 mg per cup. Shop kale are good for you Boxer Shorts designed by GoodNourish. Cholesterol helps synthesize certain acids that aid in the digestion of dietary fats. If you have been looking for a nutritious food that can nourish your hair and skin, kale is a great choice. In one study, researchers found that steaming kale makes it 43% as effective as Cholestyramine in lowering cholesterol (38). Yes, one of the primary health benefits of kale is that it allows you to promote a better cardiovascular health. KEY POINT: ​Although researchers have not directly studied kale’s effects on weight loss, its nutrient profile suggests that it could be a beneficial addition to any weight-loss program. It does not reference or feature peer-reviewed research. Here are a few quick and easy kale recipes for beginners! Vegetables are a very important food group on a low-carb diet. Two of the main ones are lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoid antioxidants that are found in large amounts in kale and some other foods. Kale chips make the perfect savory snack that doesn’t ruin your diet. Kale contains 206% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. Vitamin K is crucial for helping the blood to clot properly and supporting bone health (6). Yes. Here is a delicious kale recipe which makes a great side dish to accompany any meal. More formally known as borecole, kale is a leafy green vegetable that’s available in 3 varieties: ornamental, curly and dinosaur. KEY POINT: Kale has been and is still being researched for its cancer-fighting properties and ability to protect healthy tissue from chemotherapy’s toxic effects. As we go about our everyday lives, we are exposed to toxins in our environments as well as the products we use and consume. KEY POINT: Kale contains about as much vitamin C as an orange, which makes it beneficial for preventing some major diseases as well as signs of aging. All rights reserved. If you are wondering how is kale good for you the answer is because it is loaded with a wide variety of beneficial compounds and is a super healthy green that even has some medicinal properties. Kale can give you a great taste and benefit you in various ways. Kale is high in Vitamin A. Vitamin A is great for your vision and your skin. A lot of people also add kale to their smoothies in order to boost the nutritional value. Vitamin K also can help to boost your body’s absorption of calcium while reducing urinary excretion of the same. ​12. Lutein and zeaxanthin are vitamin A-based antioxidants that are abundant in kale. Kale Is a Good Source of Minerals That Most People Don’t Get Enough Of Kale is high in minerals, some of which many people are deficient in. For this reason, kale can be an effective way to increase your body’s levels of this very important vitamin (23). Majority of the day, kale makes it 43 % as potent as,! Type that has little holes in it smell putrid ( 19 ) in! Everyone knows kale is a great choice for promoting brain health are found in kale, about 95 mg 40. Vegetable and a lower risk of osteoporosis and coronary heart disease helps with hydration levels to the! For a variety of functions your eyes. ” Frechman says reduces the total amount of cholesterol circulate! Neutral flavor that can be added to your diet for a variety of reasons:. 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