45.249 0 0 45.131 329.731 644.407 cm 0.458 0 0 RG /Subtype /Form Q The parent function is __________________. /Length 67 /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] /F1 0.217 Tf /Length 55 >> Q 1869 0 obj << /Length 8 >> Q 0000634541 00000 n /Type /XObject 45.663 0 0 45.147 90.337 417.81 cm W* n q /Type /XObject BT 45.214 0 0 45.452 81.303 617.306 cm /Type /XObject BT /FormType 1 0 0.799 m 0.39 0.305 0.362 0.292 0.353 0.266 c q /Type /XObject 2157 0 obj << /Meta2215 Do /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] 0 w Q 0 g 1 g q /BBox [0 0 0.413 0.283] 0 G Q q 0000659257 00000 n /Resources << 2134 0 obj << 0000055080 00000 n Q /Type /XObject 0000234079 00000 n q >> Q /Meta2125 Do q /Meta1961 1983 0 R stream /Font << endstream 0 G stream endobj /Meta1777 1799 0 R 2251 0 obj << 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 417.81 cm Q /Meta1983 2005 0 R 0 0.087 TD 0.015 w stream >> /Type /XObject 0 0.087 TD 45.249 0 0 45.147 441.9 417.81 cm endobj stream stream Q S /Meta1761 Do 0000779501 00000 n 1721 0 R q 0000274265 00000 n /FormType 1 /Meta2290 Do Rational Exponent Notes . 0000091938 00000 n 0.716 0.299 l /F1 6 0 R q Q 0.564 G 0000093471 00000 n 1 g /BBox [0 0 0.413 0.283] endstream 0 0.5 m >> /FormType 1 Q /Type /XObject Q 0000220657 00000 n /Meta1857 1879 0 R /Resources << Q stream /Font << 0 w /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] W* n /Type /XObject 0000005446 00000 n 1.547 0 l 0.531 0.283 l Rules for Adding and Subtracting Radicals: You can only add like radicals. stream Solutions and detailed explanations are also included. 45.663 0 0 45.396 426.844 519.44 cm q 1 j /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000166925 00000 n stream /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] /F3 23 0 R /Font << q 0.531 0.283 l 1 g 0000548289 00000 n q Q /Type /XObject /F3 0.217 Tf Q /BBox [0 0 11.988 0.283] 0 w endstream stream Q 0000160470 00000 n Q ET Q endstream EMBED Equation.DSMT4 13.) W* n 0000127066 00000 n /Meta1828 1850 0 R 0.118 0.047 l >> 2185 0 obj << Q /Subtype /Form W* n 0 w /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] 0000390840 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q q q 0.562 0.138 TD 0000058907 00000 n /Subtype /Form q [(7)] TJ 0 G 0.015 w /Length 55 endstream Q endstream 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 512.665 cm q 45.214 0 0 45.372 81.303 208.529 cm /Length 55 1 g 0000047758 00000 n 0000064209 00000 n Quiz: Simplifying Radicals Previous Simplifying Radicals. 0.458 0 0 RG 1867 0 obj << 0 g 0.216 0.129 m BT 0 w Q stream ET q [(C\))] TJ 0 G 0.267 0.283 l /Type /XObject [( 3)] TJ 0.066 0.35 l >> 0000332829 00000 n 1.263 0.051 l Q /Type /XObject 0000167856 00000 n 1861 0 obj << 0 g /Resources << /Length 69 0.397 0.134 TD 0000583624 00000 n endstream q /Type /Pages BT q 0000546589 00000 n stream /FormType 1 /Meta2026 Do /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000576427 00000 n 1821 0 obj << 2111 0 obj << W* n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] 0000077571 00000 n 0 g 0 -0.003 l Q /Font << Q S Q q 0 G 0 -0.003 l 0.047 0.087 TD q >> q 45.233 0 0 45.168 105.393 268.001 cm endobj /F1 6 0 R 0000627367 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Resources << /Subtype /Form 0000018924 00000 n endobj q endobj /Type /XObject /Meta2041 Do /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] 0 0.314 m /F3 23 0 R /F1 0.217 Tf /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.681] 0000522258 00000 n >> q Q Simplifying radicals quiz doc Simplifying radicals quiz doc q stream /FormType 1 0.458 0 0 RG q q /F1 6 0 R 0.396 0.017 m Q [(/)] TJ /Type /XObject /Type /XObject 0000189459 00000 n q /Length 376 endobj 0 0 l 0 G /Subtype /Form 1 J /FormType 1 >> q endobj 0000229432 00000 n Q 0 g q 0 0.283 m Q 0 g /Meta1754 1776 0 R /Length 67 q Q 0000777261 00000 n q 0000422289 00000 n 0 g 1965 0 obj << q 0 g S 0000716867 00000 n Q 1 g 0000566711 00000 n 2216 0 obj << 0 w /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj 1964 0 obj << /Resources << 0.649 0.299 l 0000540847 00000 n endobj ET /Meta2286 Do 0 g /Font << 0 g /Type /XObject >> 0 G 0 w /F1 0.217 Tf 0000724681 00000 n 0.564 G 0 -0.003 l q /Type /XObject Q /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] 0.066 0.066 m 0 0 l endobj 0000731360 00000 n q /F1 6 0 R 1.464 0.299 l 0 g q Q 0.569 0.314 0.573 0.315 0.577 0.316 c /Meta2126 2148 0 R 0 g Q 0 0.283 m /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] endobj >> 0000326839 00000 n /Length 55 >> /Subtype /Form In this Algebra I/Algebra II worksheet, students simplify radicals and radical expressions involving multiplication and division. /Meta2136 2160 0 R Q /Length 69 stream q /Length 371 0000336615 00000 n 0 g /Type /XObject 0.458 0 0 RG 0.015 w 0000329659 00000 n 0.458 0 0 RG >> [(4)] TJ /Length 55 0 g /Font << /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] 2351 0 obj << q /Resources << 0000085819 00000 n W* n 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 614.294 cm /Subtype /Form 0.049 0.237 m /F3 0.217 Tf -0.002 Tc /Meta2131 Do endobj q >> endstream /F3 0.217 Tf 11.988 0 l 0 G 9.791 0 l /Font << 0000723432 00000 n /Meta2260 Do endobj q Q /Type /XObject /F3 23 0 R q stream >> 0000022092 00000 n /Type /XObject >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000630411 00000 n 0 G 0 g /Meta1919 1941 0 R >> /Length 8 q 0 g ET /Resources << >> 0000313391 00000 n q >> /FormType 1 /F1 6 0 R /F1 0.217 Tf q BT /Subtype /Form 1 g 0000302513 00000 n /Type /XObject q >> 9.791 0 0 0.283 0 0 cm endstream /Meta1724 1746 0 R 0 G /Subtype /Form 0 G 1.547 -0.003 l /Font << Then, write the inverse point by switching EMBED Equation.DSMT4 to EMBED Equation.DSMT4 . 45.249 0 0 45.147 217.562 131.742 cm 0 G /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q 0.267 0 l /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] 0.458 0 0 RG 0 g /I0 47 0 R endobj /Length 517 q /Type /XObject /Meta1705 1727 0 R stream 1.547 0.283 l � 0 0.283 m 0.015 w /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] Note: If you were trying to find the composition of a number, you could use this method first and then plug in the number into your answer.Additional Practice: A ______________________ is a pairing of two values, normally in the form EMBED Equation.DSMT4 . [(10)] TJ 0000044928 00000 n /Type /XObject >> 2080 0 obj << /Meta2003 2025 0 R q /Length 102 Simplify by rationalizing the denominator. 0000812692 00000 n /Type /XObject q q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.48] endstream Q endstream 0000461238 00000 n 1 J /Type /XObject q /FormType 1 /Meta1985 Do 1 g stream >> Q /Meta1934 Do ET /Subtype /Form [(9)] TJ NO � you can use f and g from the 1st set of problems as your example! stream 45.249 0 0 45.527 105.393 602.25 cm W* n 0.106 0.624 0.078 0.61 0.069 0.583 c 0000289493 00000 n /Meta2247 2273 0 R /Meta2180 Do W* n endobj 0.458 0 0 RG 45.249 0 0 45.527 105.393 602.25 cm 0 g /FormType 1 /Meta1924 Do stream /F1 0.217 Tf /Font << >> /F1 6 0 R 0.564 G � stream Q 0 0 l Q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] q endobj 0 0.5 m 0 0.283 m >> q stream q 0.267 0 l stream /Meta1717 Do >> 1 g 0000404570 00000 n 0 g 9.791 0.283 l endstream /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /Subtype /Form endstream 0.267 0 l Q 2112 0 obj << ET >> It covers topics for “Simplifying Radicals” such as simplifying radicals with variables, add and subtracting radical expressions, multiplying and dividing radicals, rationalizing the denominator, and simplifying expressions using multiplication and division. /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 4.027 0.5] 0 g /Length 102 0000031755 00000 n /FormType 1 /Type /XObject q 1.547 0.314 l 0000340556 00000 n /FormType 1 endstream endstream 0000279001 00000 n /Length 163 /Length 8 >> BT -0.002 Tc q 0 G 0 0.283 m 1838 0 obj << 0.248 0.087 TD /Resources << 0000650900 00000 n /Font << 0.458 0 0 RG /Meta1824 1846 0 R 0.267 0 l 0000166123 00000 n 0 0.283 m /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endstream 45.249 0 0 45.131 105.393 644.407 cm Q /Meta1996 2018 0 R 2306 0 obj << 0.458 0 0 RG stream 0 g 1.547 0.633 l 0000804355 00000 n >> stream q Q /Meta2265 Do 0000584121 00000 n 1 J 9.523 -0.003 l q 2360 0 obj << /Meta2245 2271 0 R /Subtype /Form q /F1 6 0 R 0000767054 00000 n 0 g 0000271113 00000 n 0000639313 00000 n S ET 0000201530 00000 n 0 G 0 0.547 m 0.267 0.5 l 1918 0 obj << /Subtype /Form endstream stream 0000427589 00000 n /Length 353 /Subtype /Form [(B\))] TJ /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000322959 00000 n BT /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000190890 00000 n 1 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 0 0 l Answers are included. 0 g 0.417 0 l q 0000024390 00000 n 0 0.283 m q [(42)] TJ q /FormType 1 q 0 G /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] 45.249 0 0 45.147 105.393 712.913 cm 0000575578 00000 n q Q endobj /Font << endobj 0000024864 00000 n 11.988 0 l 0.015 w BT /FormType 1 0 0.633 m >> [(B\))] TJ 0 g [(-)] TJ endstream 1 j Q 0000531892 00000 n /Length 66 0 G 0.562 0.087 TD 0000561366 00000 n /FormType 1 1 g q /Type /XObject 0000126105 00000 n endstream 0.12 0.015 0.124 0.016 0.128 0.017 c 2171 0 obj << 0 0.283 m 0 G Q 0000336858 00000 n 0.031 0.087 TD q 0000160704 00000 n /Font << /F1 6 0 R The points (9, 13) and (-4, 10) are on EMBED Equation.DSMT4 . >> 0 0.33 m 0 0 l 0000209244 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 G 45.233 0 0 45.168 105.393 268.001 cm -0.002 Tc /Type /XObject Q Radical expressions are expressions that contain radicals. /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 0 l 0000502275 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf /Font << /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.681] W* n /Type /XObject Q 45.233 0 0 45.168 329.731 245.416 cm 0000720897 00000 n Q 1 g /Meta1889 Do /Meta2202 Do [(+)] TJ 0000539915 00000 n /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] q 45.249 0 0 45.147 329.731 601.497 cm 0 g /Meta2215 2241 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form /Meta2094 2116 0 R 0.267 0 l 45.214 0 0 45.339 81.303 711.407 cm 0.066 0.35 l 45.249 0 0 45.527 329.731 602.25 cm /Subtype /Form q /Resources << Q /Font << /Type /XObject /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Resources << /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] /Meta1834 1856 0 R q /Resources << /Font << 0000422532 00000 n Q 0.564 G 0 0 l 0000660357 00000 n /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] >> /Type /XObject 0 g Q 0.83 0.087 TD >> /Meta2197 2223 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> Q /Type /XObject stream 0.066 0.566 m 0000197319 00000 n 0.448 0.337 0.471 0.314 0.5 0.314 c 0.082 0.598 m 0.149 0.437 TD >> 1 g q 0 -0.003 l /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.681] 45.527 0 0 45.147 523.957 512.665 cm [(x)] TJ /Type /XObject /Meta1713 1735 0 R /F1 0.217 Tf >> 0.015 w >> Q Examples: (you should have done this before in algebra 1 and especially in finite math) a) EMBED Equation.DSMT4 index: ______ b) EMBED Equation.DSMT4 index: ______ For this unit, we will be interested in simplifying rational exponents � in many cases we use the rules from the previous page, but in some cases we will use the process for simplifying radicals. 0000292559 00000 n 0.645 0.268 TD /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] 0.649 0.299 l endstream /Meta1952 Do endobj Q 1877 0 obj << >> Q 0000808797 00000 n /Meta1847 Do Q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.314] q /F1 0.217 Tf 0.458 0 0 RG Radical and Rational Expressions Quiz Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. endobj [(5)19(4\))] TJ 0000682570 00000 n 0.458 0 0 RG >> 0 0.087 TD 45.249 0 0 45.413 217.562 417.81 cm /FormType 1 0 G /Resources << /Resources << 0 0 l /Subtype /Form 0 G 1 g Q 0.564 G /Meta2158 Do /Resources << trailer 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 0 -0.003 l Q /Font << 0.267 0.5 l 1 g 1.547 0 l /Type /XObject 0000534481 00000 n q /Resources << Q 0 G >> 0000381231 00000 n /Subtype /Form 0.015 w 0000391826 00000 n [(D\))] TJ 0 0 l /Font << 0.564 G 0000175358 00000 n 0000292315 00000 n 0.458 0 0 RG >> [(9)] TJ BT /Length 94 0.381 0.051 l >> 0000020723 00000 n >> /Meta2017 Do 0 g >> 1 g 0000154584 00000 n 0000812545 00000 n >> /Meta1848 1870 0 R 45.249 0 0 45.147 329.731 187.45 cm 0 0.087 TD 0 g 0 w /Meta2216 2242 0 R 0000281369 00000 n 0.181 0.087 TD Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form q 0.448 0.366 m 0000816592 00000 n 1 g q 0 0.283 m 0 G /Type /XObject 0 0.087 TD 0 w 0000286431 00000 n [(x)] TJ 0 w q 0 g 0 0.314 m q 1790 0 obj << 0000792790 00000 n Q Q 2339 0 obj << 45.249 0 0 45.527 217.562 692.587 cm ET Q 0000346814 00000 n /Meta2248 2274 0 R /Meta2130 Do ET 0000300561 00000 n ET 542.777 144.539 m /Meta1939 1961 0 R /Resources << Q 0000065309 00000 n Q /F1 0.217 Tf q Q endstream ET 0000145960 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf 0.267 0 l 0.015 w Q 45.249 0 0 45.131 105.393 73.022 cm /Meta2138 2162 0 R /FormType 1 >> /F3 0.217 Tf /Meta2284 Do 0.015 w >> 0 g q 0.031 0.087 TD >> >> 0.564 G 0 0 l q >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 0.413 0.283] BT 0000724438 00000 n /Meta2052 2074 0 R Q 0 0.464 m /Meta2217 2243 0 R ET 2.031 0.087 TD 0000270114 00000 n >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1.33 0.165 l 0 0.087 TD q 0000668653 00000 n endobj Multiply 33 82 89 27 12 xy yx 2. Q endstream /I0 47 0 R /Meta1750 1772 0 R >> q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 G /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] >> 0000001097 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.458 0 0 RG q 0000197804 00000 n 0000062973 00000 n l a� yt�( �T � � � � � j ^ ^ ^ $$If a$gd�( � kd� $$If T �l � �F ��`�,"�� �D �� >> /Length 66 /F1 6 0 R 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 614.294 cm 0000021196 00000 n stream 0.531 0 l /Meta1869 1891 0 R Q /FormType 1 /FormType 1 /Meta2140 Do /Subtype /Form 0000303867 00000 n /Type /XObject 0.598 0.165 l /Type /Page 0000765796 00000 n q 0000270871 00000 n >> Q endobj ET 0000164269 00000 n 0000077192 00000 n /Resources << /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.464] >> BT >> 0.417 0 l endstream /Subtype /Form W* n 0000052242 00000 n 45.324 0 0 45.147 54.202 290.585 cm S /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.267 0 l /Type /XObject 0.314 0.299 l 0.458 0 0 RG >> 0 w /Type /XObject endobj 2309 0 obj << 2120 0 obj << 0 w /Meta1760 1782 0 R 0 g /FormType 1 q 0000680648 00000 n 0000301041 00000 n /Length 55 /Meta1822 Do q Q /Meta1771 Do Q /Type /XObject endstream /Meta2313 2339 0 R 0000319532 00000 n /Type /XObject /F1 6 0 R q 0000024160 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf 0000168318 00000 n Q ET /Length 65 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] [(B\))] TJ q 0 0 l 0000341046 00000 n DAY TOPIC ASSIGNMENT 1 8.2 MULTIPLYING AND DIVIDING RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. Q /Type /XObject Multiply 22 32 469 xx xxx stream endstream >> endstream /Subtype /Form 16. 0 g Q /F1 0.217 Tf � 0 0.283 m /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form /Font << 0 g t ��0 � � � � � � � 6� � � � � �� � � �� � � �� � � �4� 4� >> 1807 0 obj << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 1 j endstream q Q 0000529405 00000 n BT 0000332104 00000 n 1.547 0.314 l /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.681] /Font << 0.564 G stream q Just days ago, Judson Berger discussed a kind of “re-branding madness” consuming Washington, D.C. right now: “Terrorist attack is out. >> /Resources << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /XObject /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form >> Q stream /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] /Subtype /Form /F1 0.217 Tf 0 0 l q /Meta2263 Do 0000064355 00000 n W* n 0000041238 00000 n 0000503993 00000 n /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] /Resources << S /Subtype /Form 0 g endstream [(=)] TJ 0000658568 00000 n 0.118 0.047 l /Meta2236 2262 0 R 1.547 0.283 l 0.488 0.305 0.459 0.29 0.451 0.264 c ET /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] 0 G /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] BT endobj 0.031 0.087 TD 0.458 0 0 RG /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] 1399 0 R >> /F1 6 0 R 1 g 1879 0 obj << Q /Type /XObject /Meta1836 1858 0 R 0000559163 00000 n 0.165 0.299 l [(6)] TJ 0000444994 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q >> q 0000702971 00000 n >> 0.381 0.571 TD /Subtype /Form 0 0.283 m /Meta1846 1868 0 R /Length 102 /F1 0.217 Tf ET 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 571.384 cm /Meta2032 2054 0 R stream >> >> 0000147451 00000 n W* n /Subtype /Form Q 0.515 0.251 m q stream q /Length 55 /Length 102 0 G 0.564 G 0.458 0 0 RG Q 0.564 G 0.015 w 1799 0 obj << /FormType 1 /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.5] BT /StemV 88 /Resources << 0000407777 00000 n /Meta2112 2134 0 R /FormType 1 Q 0.015 w /FormType 1 9.523 0.799 l 0000142444 00000 n >> 0000054597 00000 n 0.031 0.154 TD 0.564 G endobj /Subtype /Form 0000327850 00000 n /F1 6 0 R /I0 47 0 R q q 0000465329 00000 n Q endobj /FormType 1 /Length 65 endstream 0.015 w /Type /XObject endstream 0000128065 00000 n >> 0.165 0.299 l >> 0 g /Length 55 endstream 0 G >> 1 j 9.791 0 0 0.283 0 0 cm q >> 1 J 0 0.283 m 0000718372 00000 n /Length 55 Q 0.283 0.2 l /Subtype /Form Q /Subtype /Form q 0000083816 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf So, � RAISE BOTH SIDES TO THE ___________________ OF THE POWER YOU ARE TRYING TO UNDO! Q 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 512.665 cm /Length 55 Q 1.547 0 l /Subtype /Form stream 1 J Q /Type /XObject ; bjbj���� �� �� �� �/ 1 �� �� �� � ^ ^ ^ r �� �� �� 8 � \ N� r �* /FormType 1 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 497.609 cm 0 w 45.249 0 0 45.316 329.731 680.542 cm /BBox [0 0 0.413 0.283] 0.015 w 1920 0 obj << /Type /XObject 0 -0.003 l /FormType 1 0 g 0.564 G 1881 0 obj << 0000564700 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /XObject 0000278758 00000 n q stream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g 0000560570 00000 n 45.214 0 0 45.452 81.303 617.306 cm /FormType 1 Q 0 w 0.448 0.251 m Q 0 g S 0 0 l q Draw the graph of the inverse on the same axes. /BBox [0 0 4.027 0.5] 0 g 0 -0.003 l /Meta2319 Do For each of the following questions choose the best answer. /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta2033 Do endobj q 0000065550 00000 n /Length 55 /F1 6 0 R 0.665 0.35 l >> 0.458 0 0 RG ET /Subtype /Form endstream 0 g 2258 0 obj << 0000786994 00000 n q BT /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 0.149 0.252 TD BT /Subtype /Form 0 w q 0 0 l Q 0 0 l q BT >> /Length 163 0000426127 00000 n W* n /Font << 2106 0 obj << LAST UNIT ‘TIL SPRING BREAK. W* n Q Q 0000526372 00000 n endobj /Meta1804 Do q 0000614108 00000 n endstream 0.267 0 l /Font << q 0 g /Meta2168 2194 0 R >> [(A\))] TJ /Meta2078 2100 0 R 0.015 w 0000493370 00000 n 0000043708 00000 n ET 0 g 0.569 0.314 0.573 0.315 0.577 0.316 c W* n 0 G /Length 1134 /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /F1 0.217 Tf >> 1782 0 obj << 0.564 G 0.12 0.015 0.124 0.016 0.128 0.017 c /Meta1849 Do 0.165 0.129 m Q q 0 g endobj /FormType 1 0 0 l S 0000214267 00000 n 0 G /Subtype /Form q 0 0.283 m 1092 0 R 0000699611 00000 n 0 w endobj 0 w >> endobj q l a� yt�( �T Q >> 1.547 -0.003 l stream stream 9.791 0.283 l This is a word document so you can edit as needed. q 0 G /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> 0 g BT 0000207424 00000 n 0.464 0.087 TD Q Q q We can simplify radical expressions that contain variables by following the same process as we did for radical expressions that contain only numbers. 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 497.609 cm 0000033173 00000 n >> >> Q stream 2 2. Q stream 0000433354 00000 n ET 0.047 0.087 TD Q /I0 Do 0000536501 00000 n /Meta1927 Do /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g q -0.002 Tc 0000795933 00000 n ET 578.159 617.306 l Q 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 512.665 cm 1 g q Q 0.564 G stream 0.458 0 0 RG ET /Meta1790 Do 0.015 w 0000405558 00000 n /Font << 0 G /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] ET /Resources << 0 g 0 g 0 g /F1 0.217 Tf 0 G 0 -0.003 l >> Q 0 g /FormType 1 /FormType 1 >> 2149 0 obj << endstream 0000184186 00000 n /Resources << q Q 11.988 0 l /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] W* n stream 0 g /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] /Subtype /Form W* n /Meta2110 2132 0 R 0000390597 00000 n 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 343.282 cm Q /F1 0.217 Tf stream (13, 9) and (10, -4) 16.) 0.031 0.087 TD 0.267 0 l 542.777 563.856 m /FormType 1 0.46 0.016 m /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] (a) 0 (b) 9 4 (c) 7 4 (d) Undefined 3. Q >> 0 g >> /Meta1773 1795 0 R BT stream ET Q Q q [(x)] TJ >> /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] -0.002 Tc /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.515 0.296 m 0 g 0.458 0 0 RG /Meta1955 1977 0 R 0.066 0.087 TD 0 G 0 0.087 TD Q 2097 0 obj << 0000214744 00000 n 2062 0 obj << 0 0 l 0000560104 00000 n q /FormType 1 /Meta1836 Do [(2)] TJ 0.564 G /FormType 1 >> endobj 0000184652 00000 n /Font << Q /Subtype /Form Q 0000309841 00000 n >> /Type /XObject /FormType 1 q Q stream q ET /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000120645 00000 n 0 G 0000140710 00000 n ET /Font << 0.564 G >> 45.226 0 0 45.147 81.303 526.968 cm 1 g >> Q 0000717110 00000 n /Font << Simplify by rationalizing the denominator. Q 0.458 0 0 RG endstream BT 45.249 0 0 45.131 217.562 73.022 cm 0.066 0.038 0.088 0.015 0.116 0.015 c /Type /XObject 0.267 0.547 l q 0.2 0.437 TD Q BT 45.249 0 0 45.527 217.562 531.485 cm >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /XObject /Type /XObject [(C\))] TJ Q /Type /XObject 0 0.283 m 0000662695 00000 n [(5)] TJ ET 0 0.283 m Q 0 0.087 TD 0 0 l /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.314] ET 1.547 -0.003 l Reduce 2 2 33 33 xxaxa xax x a 4. /Length 8 >> 0000798334 00000 n /Font << Q ET /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 0 l /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000335592 00000 n >> [(3)] TJ /Length 8 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g 0.566 0.051 l /Meta2101 Do q /F1 0.217 Tf 0000207162 00000 n >> >> /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] 2236 0 obj << q >> Q 0.564 G 0 G Q 0.564 G 0.005 Tc 0000835142 00000 n 0000815862 00000 n 0.267 0.547 l >> /F1 6 0 R /Subtype /Form 0000717660 00000 n 0 G W* n 0000340062 00000 n /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.5] 0 -0.003 l >> /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.5] S 0 -0.003 l 0.267 0.283 l 2002 0 obj << 0000710063 00000 n 0000089727 00000 n [(4)] TJ Q /Meta1747 1769 0 R ET /Subtype /Form /Length 51 W* n q 45.249 0 0 45.413 329.731 328.979 cm >> 1 J /FormType 1 stream /Meta2183 Do [(30)] TJ stream 0.015 w /F1 6 0 R Q /Subtype /Form /Meta2157 Do 0000273040 00000 n 0000682818 00000 n /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] q q q /Subtype /Form ET ET >> ET 0 G >> /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] 0000331860 00000 n /Type /XObject 0 G [(1)51(.5)] TJ /F1 6 0 R /Type /XObject 0 g q /FormType 1 endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F1 0.217 Tf 0 0 l /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.5] 0 0.283 m 0.314 0.158 TD 0 G 1.547 0.633 l 0000202894 00000 n /FormType 1 0 G 45.249 0 0 45.147 329.731 712.913 cm 0 g 0.114 0.087 TD /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] /Length 102 0000346093 00000 n 0.564 G >> q stream 0.732 0.299 l 0000702492 00000 n /Meta1781 Do stream /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 G 1.547 0.283 l /Length 65 q 0 0 l /F1 0.217 Tf >> stream /Meta2070 2092 0 R W* n BT /FormType 1 q S /Font << /Length 67 >> Q 1 g /Subtype /Form /Meta2202 2228 0 R >> 0000450767 00000 n Q 0 g stream 0000518577 00000 n [(})] TJ 0 0 l 0 g endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000096003 00000 n >> >> 0.35 0.337 0.372 0.314 0.399 0.314 c /FormType 1 0 g 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 387.698 cm /Meta2067 Do 0.458 0 0 RG 0.015 w 9.791 0 0 0.283 0 0 cm 1.547 0.33 l Q q Q endstream BT q 45.249 0 0 45.316 441.9 519.44 cm 0 G stream stream Q 0.629 0.087 TD 0 G 0 g 0000706528 00000 n Q /I0 47 0 R 0 g /Type /XObject q endstream q /Subtype /Form Q >> endstream 1.547 0.283 l 0000791931 00000 n 578.159 614.294 l -0.007 Tc endstream q 0 g [(C\))] TJ 1.547 0.633 l 0 G /F1 0.217 Tf Q 0000579103 00000 n >> 0 G q 0000640066 00000 n >> stream Q 0 G /Subtype /Form 0 0.087 TD /I0 47 0 R Q BT 0 g W* n 0.458 0 0 RG 0 0.283 m q endobj endstream >> q stream -0.002 Tc q 1 J /Resources << Q /Meta1850 Do /F1 6 0 R /F1 6 0 R /Meta1770 1792 0 R q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] BT 0000079007 00000 n >> Q 0.267 0 l /Resources << /F1 0.217 Tf /FormType 1 0 g 0 G 0.034 0.321 0.051 0.342 0.051 0.366 c 2317 0 obj << 0 g /Meta2006 2028 0 R 0.564 G 1.263 0.087 TD q [(-)] TJ 0 w /Meta2237 Do 0 g 0000379613 00000 n 0 G 0000721376 00000 n 0 0 l 0.056 0.262 0.041 0.288 0.015 0.296 c /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form 2175 0 obj << 0 g 1847 0 obj << >> 1804 0 obj << Q q 2179 0 obj << 1786 0 obj << /FormType 1 0.458 0 0 RG Q Q /Meta1944 1966 0 R /Type /XObject EMBED Equation.DSMT4 9.) 0 0.087 TD S 0000323201 00000 n /Type /XObject Q 0 G 1904 0 obj << Q >> /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] 0000177427 00000 n Q 1.547 0 l /Meta2065 2087 0 R q /Meta1825 1847 0 R [({)] TJ 0 0.283 m /Meta2268 Do 0000725160 00000 n /Length 55 /Subtype /Form q /Meta2318 2344 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.283 0.366 m 1949 0 obj << 0 g /Meta1916 1938 0 R Q >> W* n W* n 1.444 0.138 TD S BT endobj /BBox [0 0 9.787 0.283] endobj Q Q Q Q 0000534235 00000 n 0 0.283 m >> 45.249 0 0 45.527 329.731 602.25 cm /Font << endstream 0 G /Length 102 Q q /FormType 1 0 G 0000393133 00000 n /F1 6 0 R 1900 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Meta2297 2323 0 R 0000155204 00000 n endstream /Length 55 /Meta2112 Do 0 G 0000344058 00000 n 1.547 0.33 l W* n 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 512.665 cm q BT 0.015 w ET >> >> /Meta1746 Do 0 0.283 m 0000564457 00000 n 0000139598 00000 n q endstream 0.564 G BT Q >> Q /Resources << 45.233 0 0 45.168 329.731 245.416 cm 0000305847 00000 n 0000226755 00000 n 1 g endstream 0 g 0 0.283 m stream /Meta1807 1829 0 R 0.181 0.087 TD endstream 0000236346 00000 n BT W* n q q q /Length 67 /Meta1704 Do W* n Q 0 0.283 m /Length 102 2206 0 obj << Q >> q /Resources << >> 0.417 0.35 l 0.015 w ET >> 578.159 387.698 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 0 l q 0000463827 00000 n /FormType 1 /F1 6 0 R Q /Type /XObject /Length 55 W* n 0.614 0.299 l Q 0000304343 00000 n endstream /Length 102 0 -0.003 l /FormType 1 0000654357 00000 n ET Writing radicals with rational exponents will come in handy when we discuss techniques for simplifying more complex radical expressions. 0 w 1 g /DW 1000 stream endobj q /I0 47 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000677970 00000 n /Resources << /F3 23 0 R Q Q S 0000771067 00000 n 0.267 0 l 0.531 0 l 0000289239 00000 n /FormType 1 0 0.283 m /Meta1761 1783 0 R /Meta2010 Do /Meta2086 2108 0 R 0 0.633 m W* n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] On this page, you'll find an unlimited supply of printable worksheets for square roots, including worksheets for square roots only (grade 7) or worksheets with square roots and other operations (grades 8-10). q >> 0000435656 00000 n /Meta2274 Do endstream q /FormType 1 0 g 0000667920 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf 1.181 0.2 l 0.458 0 0 RG q >> 0000422046 00000 n 0000668412 00000 n /Meta1976 Do 0.015 w 2129 0 obj << q 0 G 2086 0 obj << 0000709345 00000 n endobj stream [(34)] TJ 1952 0 obj << 0.531 0 l 0000512594 00000 n 0.334 0.134 TD stream 0000285107 00000 n Reduce 32 32 22 24 28 xx x xx x Multiplying and Dividing Expressions 1. /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] 0 -0.003 l S -0.002 Tc /Resources << Q Q Q /Meta2282 Do q Q 1.547 0 l 0.458 0 0 RG 1.547 0.633 l BT /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 q stream /Font << /F3 0.217 Tf /F1 6 0 R Q 2264 0 obj << BT endobj Q /I0 Do 542.777 731.733 m /Meta1789 Do /Font << /Font << ET Q 0000016499 00000 n /Resources << /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.314] 1882 0 obj << /Meta1977 Do 9.791 0.283 l >> >> endstream 0 G 0000146845 00000 n 0 w >> 0.531 0 l Q q 9.523 -0.003 l /Subtype /Form /Meta1967 Do 0 g /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] /Meta2014 2036 0 R >> 0000631888 00000 n 0.458 0 0 RG 0000504466 00000 n /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] endobj 0 g 0.458 0 0 RG 0.066 0.251 m /F4 2180 0 R >> stream 0 w BT stream 0.458 0 0 RG stream 2253 0 obj << 0000081645 00000 n q 0000291828 00000 n /Type /XObject ET 0000767289 00000 n 0000713634 00000 n q S 0000577660 00000 n q q 0.458 0 0 RG q 0.066 0.566 m Q /Meta1852 Do 0000388391 00000 n Q 1963 0 obj << Q 0000574236 00000 n 1816 0 obj << endstream endstream 0000584882 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf 1 j 9.791 0 l 1.066 0.047 l /FormType 1 /Meta2281 Do 0000810591 00000 n 0000224590 00000 n 0 -0.003 l [(5)19(1\))] TJ /Type /XObject q 0 g stream endstream 0 g W* n /Meta2223 2249 0 R 0.267 0.283 l 0 0.091 TD /Type /XObject /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 9.791 0 l 0 w >> stream /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.314] Q 0 G >> 45.249 0 0 45.147 217.562 131.742 cm BT >> 45.324 0 0 45.147 54.202 343.282 cm >> 0000183097 00000 n /Type /XObject >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1 g /Length 55 0000581486 00000 n Happens we multiply the numerator and denominator by the index and one unit down 2x 15. 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